Prayer & Encouragement Ministry Team

The Prayer & Encouragement Team is made up of Christians who believe that God has given them the gifts of faith, exhortation, and showing mercy.  These gifts can be demonstrated in a variety of ways within the context of our overall church ministry.

Prayer Chain                 
Our Prayer Chain is made up of  volunteers who are committed to pray for requests submitted to the team leadership.  When notified, Prayer  Captains pass along requests to group leaders who then pass them along to  faithful members who pray.

Prayer Events
The Prayer & Encouragement Team is also responsible for planning special prayer events throughout the year.   Members of our  Macedonia family are encouraged to participate in the National Day of Prayer, prayer for Vacation Bible School, revivals, missions, and special services.

Community Prayer Points
Every few months the Prayer & Encouragement team host these special prayer times in members homes.  Usually there are two or three different locations to allow members to attend a Prayer Point near their home.  During these meeting members are asked to pray for the chruch, it leaders, special events, and most improtantly, the communities in which we minister.
Sending Cards
Some members of this team are involved in the ministry of sending cards to encourage others and welcome our first-time guests

Flower Ministry
Sending flowers to families that have experienced the loss of a loved one is another ministry of encouragement.  The team also makes certain that those who are hospitalized receive flowers to make their stay a little more pleasant.

Visiting those who reside in long-term care facilities or are hospitalized or home-bound is another way this team encourages others. 

This team is also responsible for coordinating the preparation and delivery of meals to families who have experienced the loss of a family member or are unable to prepare a meal themselves.


“I thank my God upon every remembrance of  you, always in every prayer of mine      making  request for you with all  joy.” 
Philippians 1:3-4